Health Tips Symptoms Causes And Treatment Of Liver Disease Ascites In Hindi

Health Tips Symptoms Causes And Treatment Of Liver Disease Ascites In Hindi

Fatty Liver Warning Signs: Liver is an important part of the body. It is called the factory of the body. Liver alone does more than 500 functions of the body. Its job is to make many things including proteins, cholesterol and hormones. Liver only does the work of taking out the bad substances in the body. If the liver does not work properly, then there is a problem in digesting food and if the liver gets damaged, it can also lead to death. There are many types of diseases in the liver. Ascites is one of these. It is also called Jalodar in Hindi. In this disease, water gets filled in the stomach and in case of serious illness, water or fluid reaches the chest and lungs. Due to this, it becomes difficult to swallow anything and there is difficulty in breathing. The symptoms of this disease are quite common. Let’s know what are its symptoms…

causes of water in the liver

According to health experts, ascites is a serious disease. When liver cirrhosis occurs, the liver gets filled with water. Cirrhosis is the most common problem caused by excessive alcohol consumption. There is a risk of ascites or ascites due to heart disease, dialysis in diabetes, reduction of protein or any other type of infection.

signs of water in the stomach

When ascites becomes large, it causes swelling in the stomach.

Due to the problem of ascites, without increasing the diet, the weight starts increasing and the stomach gets bloated.

The stomach always feels full and heavy when there is ascites.

Liver is directly related to digestion. That’s why whenever there is a problem of ascites, then the food is not digested properly. Problems of vomiting and nausea can also occur.

Due to ascites, there can be a problem of swelling in the lower part of the leg. Swelling is also visible on the top of the stomach.

When ascites becomes severe, then there is difficulty in breathing.

The problem of piles also occurs due to ascites.

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